
UNISTEEL handed over the project of the new plant in Nantong to Kaiser


Thanks to the trust of UNISTEEL, the project of the new plant in Nantong was handed over to Kaiser. Unisteel is a leading global manufacturer of precision engineering parts. Kaiser will use “Building Integrity” to deliver a satisfactory work for the owner.

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建瓯市| 钟祥市| 扶风县| 黑水县| 北碚区| 越西县| 光泽县| 闸北区| 镇沅| 金堂县| 修水县| 民县| 萨嘎县| 乌拉特中旗| 津市市| 玉环县| 河北省| 井研县| 霍林郭勒市| 安康市| 佛学| 应用必备| 博客| 甘肃省| 荣成市| 苍梧县| 临颍县| 长春市| 阜康市| 青州市| 顺义区| 阿巴嘎旗| 察隅县| 渭南市| 丽江市| 西安市| 岱山县| 肃北| 崇信县| 遂溪县| 鄂尔多斯市|